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101 conseils pour débuter son premier cours (en anglais) Empty 101 conseils pour débuter son premier cours (en anglais)

par John Mer 22 Fév 2012 - 14:19
101 Ideas for a Great Start

Adapted from "101 Things" by Joyce T. Povlacs, Teaching and Learning Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
by Susan Yager, Associate Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University
January 2004

Whether we teach large introductory courses for first-year students or advanced courses for majors, it makes sense to start the semester off as strongly as we are able. Enthusiasm for our work and dedication to student learning can make a big difference in how students respond to, and later evaluate, their courses and instructors.

The following list of "101 Ideas" is offered in the spirit of starting off well. No one will be able to use every idea, but some of these may offer fresh ways of creating a positive learning environment in class. Even if the syllabus is printed and notes are ready to go, we can make adjustments in teaching methods as the course unfolds and the characteristics of our students become known.

These suggestions have been gathered from books available in the CELT Library; from professors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Iowa State University, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, and other institutions; and from the CELT staff. They are offered to help you:

create a welcoming atmosphere for students;
set a positive tone for learning;
engage the students actively;
provide support for students, and show them where they can find support;
encourage students to keep up and do well; and
use your time efficiently and effectively.

Les 101 idées : http://www.celt.iastate.edu/teaching/101ideas.html

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