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Lord Steven

[LV] projet cours de traduction - Page 3 Empty Re: [LV] projet cours de traduction

par Lord Steven Dim 22 Déc 2019, 13:43
J'ai peut être une approche cognitive complètement idiote, mais il me semble que lorsqu'on parle essentiellement en LV en cours, mais que si les élèves les plus faibles savent qu'on va glisser ici ou là un ou deux mots de français (il y a ne crois une idée similaire dans le doc de Kensington), cela les oblige à maintenir un semblant d'attention, mais je me fourvoie peut être complètement.
Esprit éclairé

[LV] projet cours de traduction - Page 3 Empty Re: [LV] projet cours de traduction

par kensington Dim 22 Déc 2019, 14:26
Bilingual reform?

The Bilingual Reform. A Paradigm shift in Foreign Language Teaching

This book has been written to resolve the long-standing debate over the role of the mother tongue (MT) in the foreign language (FL) classroom. In an act of theoretical house-cleaning, the MT taboo, which has been, without justification of any substance, the perceived didactical correctness for so many years and in so many countries, will be swept away. At the same time, this book combines theory with practice, advice and guidance to teachers. Since the MT issue touches upon all the major domains of FL teaching – vocabulary, grammar, texts, communication, emotional aspects of learning, even pronunciation - a new synthesis of theory and practice has necessarily been developed in the process. This book shows how to tap the potential of the MT (and previously learned languages), how harness the existing communicative competence, how to exploit the generative power of language, and how to teach foreign languages as a skill that all children can acquire. In illustrating these ideas with a rich repertoire of novel techniques for the FL teacher, we hope to set the theory and practice of FLT on a productive new course. Making the MT the corner stone in the architecture of FLT is a true paradigm shift.
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