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Niveau 5

Chine: des parents en quête d'écoles alternatives Empty Chine: des parents en quête d'écoles alternatives

par isajan 14.03.15 13:59
The rise of alternative education in China

When five-year-old Xiao Ge starts primary school in Guangzhou next year, she won't endure strict discipline and mountains of homework. Unlike the school life of most children in China, her days will be filled with art, music and creative learning at a private Waldorf school.

Xiao is part of a fast-growing number of Chinese children whose parents are turning their backs on the state-run education system, which is based on rote learning and limited critical thinking. Instead, they are choosing independently-run schools that use the Waldorf, Montessori, or Reggio Emilia pedagogies.

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Dernière édition par Hermione0908 le 14.03.15 19:20, édité 1 fois (Raison : Article cité in extenso)
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