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Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way? Empty Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way?

par Moonstone Lun 23 Mar 2015 - 14:10
A chance to show that language learning can really be “De dramatized” ? The idea of trying to lay down the foundations of a workable method for language teachers, who do not have any theatrical background but would like to try it. An alternative easy to follow language teaching guide that provides the tools (texts and audio support) to carry out language learning for all ages and most important, from all walks of life, through theatre.

In France, most language establishments be it public or private are not yet ready to open up to an approach to language learning so far from the classic methods. But given the tools, could this change?

Dernière édition par Moonstone le Lun 23 Mar 2015 - 14:38, édité 1 fois

Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way? Empty Re: Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way?

par MrBrightside Lun 23 Mar 2015 - 14:26
J'espère que la méthode est quand même moins... alternative que l'anglais utilisé dans sa description.
Je viens de m'inscrire !

Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way? Empty Re: Anglais par le biais du théâtre? Could this be a better way?

par Moonstone Lun 23 Mar 2015 - 14:40
Une methode qui marche très bien. Mais comment convaincre?
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