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Swedish lessons – a warning, par Greg Ashman (en anglais) Empty Swedish lessons – a warning, par Greg Ashman (en anglais)

par ycombe Dim 28 Aoû - 13:02
Greg Ashman a écrit:
The story goes that Sweden was once a bastion of educational excellence. In the 1990s, it embarked upon a series of reforms which included the formation of ‘free schools’ – state funded independent schools, some of which were allowed to run at a profit. This neoliberal fragmentation of a once world-leading system led to a decline in standards and plummeting performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Except that this might not be the whole story. Even Sally Weale of the Guardian points to the fact that discipline is a major issue for Swedish schools and that, “Conservatives… say students have been given too much influence in the classroom, undermining the authority of teachers.” Who are these ‘conservatives’ and what is their case?

Lire la suite: https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2016/08/28/swedish-lessons-a-warning/

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