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homme - USA : La famille d'un adolescent réclame toujours justice après la mort du jeune homme dans le gymnase de son lycée. Empty USA : La famille d'un adolescent réclame toujours justice après la mort du jeune homme dans le gymnase de son lycée.

par John Jeu 31 Oct 2013 - 18:07
ATLANTA – At its widest point, the lonely space where Kendrick Johnson's body ended up was just 14.75 inches in diameter.

The Lowndes County Sheriff's Office continues to insist his death was a freak accident. But the teenager's relatives are ramping up their efforts to have it ruled a murder.

Kendrick Johnson of Valdosta, Ga., is seen in an undated photo released by the family. Johnson, a three-sport athlete, was found dead on Jan. 11 in a rolled-up wrestling mat in his high school gym.

On Wednesday morning in Valdosta, Ga., attorneys for Johnson's family, the sheriff's office and the school district are scheduled to have a closed-door meeting with Southern Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Harry Jay Altman.

It's the latest chapter in the Johnson family's desperate search for answers after their 17-year-old son was found dead in a rolled-up gym mat.
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Chevene King, the family’s lawyer, expects to discuss the release of the entire gym's surveillance footage and the status of a coroner's inquest, which the family filed a petition for last week.

In a coroner's inquest, a six-person jury would hear evidence and determine whether a death was the result of natural causes or something else.

But if no resolution is reached at Wednesday's meeting,  Judge Altman could schedule a formal hearing for a later date, a representative from his office said.

"We're not stopping until we get justice," said Jacquelyn Johnson, Kendrick's mother.

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