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Un étudiant américain exclu de son école à cause de twitter Empty Un étudiant américain exclu de son école à cause de twitter

par John Mar 27 Mar 2012 - 22:44

It was agony of de-tweet for an Indiana high school student, who says he was expelled from school months before his graduation after posting an obscenity laced 'joke' on Twitter.

Austin Carroll claims he posted the F-bomb tirade on the social networking site from his computer at home and not during school hours.

Mr Carroll told Indiana NewsCenter: 'One of my tweets was, f****** is one of those f****** words you can f****** put anywhere in a f****** sentence and it still f****** makes sense'.

He added: 'I thought it was pretty funny - the school didn’t think so. They thought it was inappropriate’.

He was right. Officials at Garrett High School in Garrett, Indiana, were not at all amused, and decided to kick Mr Carroll out this month because they claim he tweeted with a school computer.

But the teen and his mother said that he made the postings on his personal computer at 2:30am, long after school hours.

Mr Carroll told Indiana NewsCenter: 'I didn't post the thing at school but their computer is saying that I did post it, and I shouldn't be getting in trouble for stuff I did on my own time, on my own computer'.

As the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette reported, Carroll had been in trouble with school officials over his Twitter posts before.

In October, he served an in-school suspension over another rant he posted on Twitter using the school-issued laptop.

The teen's mother said that while she agrees her son’s tweet this time was inappropriate, she doesn’t feel the punishment fits the crime.

Ms Smith told the network: 'I mean, if they suspended him for 3 days or something, I would be fine with that - but to kick him out of school, his senior year, 3 months to go - wrong'.

On Friday, cops were called to the school as students threatened a protest over Mr Carroll’s expulsion.

In November, high school student Emma Sullivan, was sent to her principal’s office after the Kansas teen sent out a tweet from the back of a crowd of students listening to Gov Sam Brownback at her school.

From her cell phone, she tweeted: 'Just made mean comments at gov. brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot'.

She said she was just joking with friends, but Mr Brownback's office, which monitors social media for postings containing the governor's name, contacted the youth program.

Miss Sullivan said she spent nearly an hour in the principal's office and was told to apologize in writing to the governor.

Amid a First Amendment uproar, Gov Brownback later apologised, saying that his staff overreacted to the Twitter post.

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Un étudiant américain exclu de son école à cause de twitter Empty Re: Un étudiant américain exclu de son école à cause de twitter

par yphrog Mar 27 Mar 2012 - 23:03
quel plaisir de lire le niveau de discours venu tout droit de mon état d'origine Smile

We cuss like sailors, but don't talk about sex in English class.
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