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Pour protéger les enfants contre la "propagande homosexuelle", la justice russe inflige une petite amende... aux organisateurs d'un concert de Lady Gaga.  Empty Pour protéger les enfants contre la "propagande homosexuelle", la justice russe inflige une petite amende... aux organisateurs d'un concert de Lady Gaga.

par John Ven 15 Nov 2013, 22:06
Lady Gaga’s promoters in Russia have been fined 20,000 rubles (£380 or $615) for violating the country’s controversial anti-gay laws.

In August, Russian politicians claimed that both Madonna and Lady Gaga violated their visa conditions when they performed shows in Russia due to their promotion of homosexuality.

Today, the Trade Union of Russian Citizens said a court in St Petersburg yesterday upheld an earlier ruling against the organisers of the concerts in May.

The Trade Union of Russian Citizens spokeswoman Darya Dedova told the media that Lady Gaga had harmed the well-being of young people by exposing them to knowledge about homosexuality.

“We have managed to prove that the promoters were wrong and acted in breach of Russian laws, especially those important ones concerning the protection of children,” Mrs Dedova said.

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