2 résultats trouvés pour Michaela

par ycombe
le Sam 17 Juin 2017 - 9:11
Rechercher dans: Actualités internationales Education / Enfance
Sujet: [Innovation Pédagogique] Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers: The Michaela Way
Réponses: 37
Vues: 12112

[Innovation Pédagogique] Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers: The Michaela Way

J'ai pas encore eu le courage de le finir. Il faut dire que j'en lis deux ou trois à la fois.

Aujourd'hui il y a une série de conférences en live-stream:

par ycombe
le Dim 13 Nov 2016 - 13:59
Rechercher dans: Actualités internationales Education / Enfance
Sujet: [Innovation Pédagogique] Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers: The Michaela Way
Réponses: 37
Vues: 12112

[Innovation Pédagogique] Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers: The Michaela Way

Livre co-écrit par des enseignants du collège anglais Michaela Community School, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Teachers est disponible sur amazon à partir du 26 novembre (en anglais, bien sûr. Le monde aura fait un grand pas vers la sérénité des français lorsque tout le monde écrira dans la langue de Victor Hugo):

Tag michaela sur Neoprofs 51-aki10

Présentation a écrit:
At Michaela, teachers think differently, overturning many of the ideas that have become orthodoxy in English schools. In this book, over 20 Michaela teachers explore controversial ideas that improve the lives of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Michaela is blazing a trail in education, defying many of the received notions about what works best in schools.
Michaela teachers, from founders to classroom teachers to senior leaders, lead readers through different aspects of what makes Michaela unique. The school gets hundreds of visitors a year. So many ask: what's the secret? But the reality is that it isn't only one thing that makes Michaela work.

This book raises challenging questions for teachers and school leaders about how they see education. How can we help new Year 7 pupils get their bearings in secondary school quickly? How do we teach pupils to remember rather than forget what they've learned? How do didactic teaching, drill and memorisation boost motivation and academic achievement? How do we get pupils to be considerate, kind and caring to each other? How do we make lunchtime a calm, happy time every day? How do we ensure new teachers are just as respected as veteran teachers? How can we ensure the weakest readers do the most reading rather than the least? How can we make sure all teachers love teaching in our schools, and want to stay in teaching? How can we prevent teachers from overworking and burning out? What do we do about parents that push back against the school's rules? These questions cut to the core of how we educate and how we see the world.

Michaela  est cette école (collège? enfants de 11 à 14 ans) qui avait fait l'objet d'un reportage manquant un peu d'objectivité (sur France 2):

La sortie s'accompagne de reportages dans le Sunday Times, dont on peut avoir quelques aperçus grâce à Twitter:

Un livre à mettre sur la pile des livres à lire, si l'anglais ne vous fait pas peur.

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