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Une mathématicienne de Sheffield invente la formule de la pizza parfaite ! Empty Une mathématicienne de Sheffield invente la formule de la pizza parfaite !

par John Dim 20 Oct - 0:46
The mathematician from the University of Sheffield, calculated a ratio to ensure maximum flavour of topping to base.[...] Dr Cheng said it is not only about how thick the base is, but about the balance of flavours between the topping and the dough that determines how much topping an individual can enjoy per bite. She used d as the constant volume of dough and t for the constant volume of topping to come up with a mathematical formula for the ratio of topping to base in a median bite.Dr Cheng calculated that in relative terms, the average bite taken from an 11 inch pizza has 10 per cent more topping than the average bite from a 14 inch pizza. The formula also reveals that while smaller pizzas have more topping per bite, for home cooks seeking lots of extras on their creations, there is a larger risk of their pizza having a soggy bottom.
The formula: Dr Cheng explains 'd' is the constant volume of dough, and 't' is the constant volume of topping. The rest provides the correct ratio of base to topping for the optimum mouthful
La formule est là :

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