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Proximal vs distal, par Greg Ashman (en anglais)  Empty Proximal vs distal, par Greg Ashman (en anglais)

par ycombe Mer 5 Avr - 12:53

It can be hard to cut through education research because there is such a great volume of it, most of which is not very helpful. So it’s useful to have some heuristics to fall back on. I have a few that I can recommend.

Firstly, I would ignore anything excessively jargon laden or that mentions French philosophers in its abstract. Such papers are unlikely to offer much to a practising teacher. I’ve picked my way through a number of them now and if there is a point to them, it tends to be quite trivial.

If the paper involves an experiment then take a look at the methods section. Surprisingly often this will have a great big hole in it. For instance, the control and experimental groups might be different.

However, I’m starting to think that there is something even more important to look for. Any intervention should have a plausible mechanism. The writers of the paper need to be able to give a good account of how their intervention works. This is important for evaluating the results of any statistical tests because it relates to the ‘baseline’ probability: something that is never measured by the experiment itself.
Lire la suite: https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2017/04/05/proximal-versus-distal%EF%BB%BF/

J'adore le Firstly, I would ignore anything excessively jargon laden or that mentions French philosophers in its abstract.

Pour les non anglophones, l'article discute de la sélection des articles de recherches en sciences de l'éducation et parmi les critères de la distance entre une intervention et son effet souhaité (comme par exemple l'amélioration de l'apprentissage de la lecture par la pratique de la chiropraxie).

Assurbanipal: "Passant, mange, bois, divertis-toi ; tout le reste n’est rien".

Franck Ramus : "Les sciences de l'éducation à la française se font fort de produire un discours savant sur l'éducation, mais ce serait visiblement trop leur demander que de mettre leur discours à l'épreuve des faits".
Bon génie

Proximal vs distal, par Greg Ashman (en anglais)  Empty Re: Proximal vs distal, par Greg Ashman (en anglais)

par User17706 Mer 5 Avr - 13:03
Héhé Smile

Précisons que ni Montaigne, ni Descartes, ni Malebranche, ni Maine de Biran ne sont spécialement visés (Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard, Lyotard, etc., bref la fameuse french theory, en revanche, si).
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